Additional images of the Ciao Venice Guest House: kitchen, bathroom, and part of the living room:
Booking and Reservations
To make a reservation on-line, you may use any on-line booking service, including the following website:
Guests are encouraged to make reservations on-line, but you can also call Ciao Venice to see if there are rooms and
beds free. Ciao Venice keeps several beds free every night for walk-ins and people without reservations. Even if it
looks like Ciao Venice is fully booked on a website, there still may be rooms and several beds available.
Payment is requested in cash at the time of arrival. In some cases, guests may pay through Paypal. If you need
assistance, please contact the Ciao Venice staff by phone or e-mail.
Paypal Options
Option One: 1 euro
Option Two: 5 euros
Option Three: 10 euros
Option Four: 50 euros
Option Five: 100 euros